Fall into DIY Fun: Pressed Floral Pumpkin Craft πŸ‚πŸŽƒ

Welcome to the world of fall crafting, where pumpkins, flowers, and creativity unite for a blooming good time! πŸ‚πŸŒΌ Get ready to turn ordinary pumpkins into vibrant masterpieces with our Pressed Floral Pumpkin Craft. It's easy, fun, and oh-so-fall-tastic! Let's get started.


  • Pumpkin πŸŽƒ

    • Choose your favorite pumpkinβ€”real or fake, it's your pick!

  • Dried Flowers 🌸

    • Embrace the fall vibes with a bouquet of dried flowers. Mums, daisies, and wildflowers work wonders.

  • Mod Podge 🍯

    • The glue of the crafting world! It'll hold your flowers in place.

  • Brush πŸ–ŒοΈ

    • To apply the Mod Podge smoothly.

  • Scissors βœ‚οΈ

    • For trimming and snipping flowers.


1. Pick Your Pumpkin Buddy

Find a pumpkin pal, whether it's a real pumpkin or a fake one from your local craft store. Clean it up, so it's ready to shine.

2. Snip & Sort the Blooms

Trim the dried flowers, removing excess stems. Arrange them by color and size. Fall color palette, anyone?

3. Mod Podge Magic

Grab your brush and paint a thin layer of Mod Podge onto your pumpkin. Not too much, not too little – just right!

4. Place Petals Perfectly

Gently press your trimmed flowers onto the Mod Podge. Get creative with the placement! 🌼

5. Seal the Deal

Once your pumpkin is blooming with beauty, add another layer of Mod Podge on top to seal the flowers and give them that glorious shine.

6. Dry, Darling, Dry

Let your masterpiece dry completely. While it's drying, you can sip on your pumpkin spice latte!

7. Pumpkin Perfection!

Ta-da! Your Pressed Floral Pumpkin is ready to shine as a stunning fall centerpiece or porch decoration.

Funny Tip: If you've accidentally glued your fingers together (it happens to the best of us), don't worry! It's just a sign that you're getting fully immersed in the crafting spirit.

Practical Tip: For extra durability, spray a clear sealant over your pumpkin once everything is dry. It'll protect your creation from the elements.

Now, go ahead and create your own pressed floral pumpkins for the fall season. Make 'em spooky, make 'em cute, and most importantly, make 'em yours!

Happy Crafting, Fall Chasers’! πŸŽƒ 

Illiett Ojeda